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PEEP JOUSTING - Part Four: The Ultimate Peep

Purple is the winner! Poor pink started to seriously melt and turn into some weird, tar-like substance. That black toothpick isn't burnt, it's just covered in disgusting, sugary goo. the winner!
the runner-up He put up a good fight, but Mr. Pink just didn't have the heart of a winner. Actually, he didn't have a heart at all. I tore him open afterwards and he displayed a conspicuous lack of internal organs.
The Ultimate Peep celebrates his victory. His prize for surviving four trips through the microwave was having his picture taken, and then being tossed in the trash with last night's leftovers. He's in a landfill somewhere at this point. the ultimate peep
alone, so alone Since I didn't take any action shots, I tossed a fresh (relatively speaking) Peep in the microwave to photograph the fascinating growth and shrinkage of purple marshmallow. This is the before picture.
Here's the same Peep after spending 30 seconds in the microwave. He might actually have been a little bigger, but I killed a few seconds throwing the door open and focusing the camera. I like to think he's swelling his manly throat sack to attract female Peeps. the swelling begins
instant weight loss In less time than it took for him to puff up, Mr. Purple is back down to his original size, if not smaller. That weird brown smudge beside him is burnt sugar. Did I mention it smells horrible?


Part One: Tournament Setup
Part Two: The One True Purple Peep
Part Three: The One True Pink Peep
Part Four: The Ultimate Peep

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